
Hebrews 1:1 "sundry times"=various times "divers"=varied "manners"=ways

Hebrews 1:3 "express image"=Gr. character Only here. “originally a graving-tool; also the die on which a device is cut. It seems to have lost that meaning, and always signifies the impression made by the die or graver. Hence, mark, stamp, as the image on a coin (so often) which indicates its nature and value, or the device impressed by a signet. Here the essential being of God is conceived as setting its distinctive stamp upon Christ, coming into definite and characteristic expression in his person, so that the Son bears the exact impress of the divine nature and character.” [Vincent, NT Word Studies, Vol. 4]
"person"=Gr. hupostasis The primary sense of hupostasis "substance" is something which stands underneath; foundation, ground of hope or confidence, and so assurance itself. In a philosophical sense, substantial nature; the real nature of anything which underlies and supports its outward form and properties. The theological sense, person, is later than the apostolic age. Here, substantial nature, essence. The theological sense, person, is later than the apostolic age. Here, substantial nature, essence. [Vincent, NT Word Studies, Vol. 4]
The most succinct statement in the NT of Jesus’ “divinity”. Neither of these words appear in the Nicene Creed, nor do several words and phrases in that document appear in the NT.