
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning" First of five occurrences in Hebrew. The others: Jeremiah 26:1, 27:1, 28:1, 49:34.

"God," Heb. Elohim אלהים is plural to emphasize God's creative greatness. [Ges. 124g]. The first of 35 (5 x 7) occurrences to the end of the section at 2:4.

"Heaven" Heb. shamayim שמים also is in the plural form to point out the vastness of this expanse [Ges. 124b].
Angels created in the beginning, but the fall of angels brought on the disaster recorded in Gen 1:2. Eze 28:15 refers to this period.

"create" Heb. bara Note the three "created" in Genesis: 1:1, 1:21, 1:27.

Heb. Elohim refers to God as the creator. Heb. Jehovah refers to His relationship to what He created. [B, App. 4.II].

Genesis 1:2 Refers to 2 Peter 3:5-7.

"And the earth... [Verse 2] And the earth..." Fig. anadiplosis This figure appears in Isa 24:4, Hos 2:21,22. It also begins the repetition of "ands" marking the 102 separate acts of God in the 34 verses after Gen 1:1.

Fig. polysyndeton The purpose of this figure of speech is to emphasize God throughout: "... and God.., and God..., and God..." God was always the prime mover.

When God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning, He did not create them in the chaos found in verse 2. The word translated "was" should be translated "became", because the earth was not created in Genesis 1:1 formless and void, but it became that way. The second "was" is in italics in the KJV and has no corresponding Hebrew word.

"form, and void" Fig. paronomasia "similar in sound but not in sense or meaning" Heb. tohu va bohu . The heavens and earth were not created a "wasteland and a destruction". Cp. Isa 45:18. Jer 4:23.

The result of the rebellion of Lucifer is recorded in Rom 8:22: "whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain"

“spirit of God” Heb. ruach elohim.

Here,  Gen 41:38  Exodus 31:3  35:31  Numbers 24:2  1Sam 10:10  11:6  (16:15,16,23 18:10 with “evil”) 19:20  19:23   Ezekiel 11:24  2Chron 15:1  24:20.

Heb. ruach eloah   Job 27:3

Heb. ruach el          Job 33:4

First occurrence in NT: Matthew 3:16.

Genesis 1:3

"moved"=brooded Heb. rachaph Fig. anthropopatheia The Spirit of God is pictured as a hen brooding, sitting on eggs. Same word in Deuteronomy 32:11 "As an eagle..fluttereth over her young"

The "spirit" of God moved upon the face of the waters. Also, compare with wind over the earth during the flood of Noah (Genesis 8:1), and the wind that blew over the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21).

The heavens and earth which are now, the second, begin here, and their formation is completed in Gen 2:1 "Thus the heavens and earth were finished..."

The things set within this verse are light, time, and space; time and orientation in space are determined by the earth's rotation, its axis forming a stable reference in space.

The heavens and the earth were created by God "in the beginning". Afterwards all was spoken into being.

“And God said” Heb. vayomer elohim First of 26 occurrences: 20 in Genesis, 1 in Exodus 3:14, 1 in Num 22:12, 2 in 1Kings (3:5,11), 1 in 2Chron 1:11, 1 in Jonah 4:9.

First of ten utterances by God "and God said" in chapter 1.
"And God said, let there be … and it was so" This phrase appears six times in Genesis 1 (one variant 1:29):

1:6 "And God said, let there be a firmament in the midst" 1:7 " ... and it was so"
1:9 "Let the waters under the heaven be gathered" "... and it was so"
1:11 "Let the earth bring forth grass" "... and it was so"
1:14 "Let there be lights in the firmament" "... and it was so"
1:24 "Let the earth bring forth the living creature" "...and it was so"
1:29 "Behold, I have given you" 1:30 "...and it was so"

The first word of God was "Let there be light". In Revelations 22, His last act is to give men light.

Genesis 1:5 "and God called" Heb. yiqra elohim Only here, verse 8, 10. Compare "Lord God called" in 3:9.
"evening and the morning" Fig. synecdoche The beginning and the ending stand for the entire period, twenty-four hours. [KD,v.1 20]

Genesis 1:6 "firmament"=expanse "heaven"=lofty,high. Any place above the earth is heaven. [SynOT, 265]
"water" and "divide" These words here and Genesis 1:7, Exodus 14:21, 2 Kings 2:8, Job 38:25, Isaiah 63:12. Compare "divide" and "sea" in Exodus 14:16, Neh 9:11, Job 26:12, Psalm 74:13, 78:13, 136:13, Isaiah 51:15, Jeremiah 31:35.

Genesis 1:7 "above" Heb. maal "from upon, from over, from by - used with much delicacy of application in many different connexions..." [BDB, 758] See Eze 1:26 for example of "high" but on the same level with another thing.
“God made” Heb. ya’as elohim Only here, 1:16,25 Judg 6:40. Compare 3:21.

Genesis 1:9 From verses 1 until 9, "earth" refers to the planet.
"gathered together" Heb. qavah Niphal conjugation. Only here, the waters, and Jeremiah 3:17, the nations.

“under the heaven” Heb. tachat hashamayim First of 11 occ.: here, Gen 6:17 Exo 17:14 Deu 7:24 9:14 25:19 29:20 2Ki 14:27 Ecc 1:13 2:3 3:1 Three NT occ.: Acts 2:5 4:12 Col 1:23.

Genesis 1:10 "Earth" from this verse on refers to the dry land.

Genesis 1:11 "after his [its] kind" "Kind" is genos in the Septuagint, transliterated into English as "genus."

Seed, the potential for offspring, is "in itself." All life is passed on through seed, whether the life be plant or animal. In animal life seed comes from the male.
"bring forth grass" Heb. tadshe deshe occurs only here. "yielding seed" Heb. mazria zera occurs only here and verse 12. Both Fig. polyptoton for the abundance of yield.

Genesis 1:12 See Gen 2:4

Genesis 1:14 The sun and moon in their natural courses are for "signs" and "times", not miracles. See Matthew 2:2.

Genesis 1:17,18 "light, rule, divide" The three purposes of the heavenly bodies. These three words occurring in proximity only here.

Genesis 1:21 "created" Second occurrence in Genesis.

Genesis 1:22 "be fruitful, and multiply, and fill" First occurrence - here, 1:28; 8:17 and 9:1, after Noah’s flood, and Exo 1:7, with Israel’s expansion. In the latter two, the blessing pronounced occurred close to a crisis. Might not the first also, following the “form and void” of Gen. 1:2?

Genesis 1:26 "Us" is similar to the English expression used by a monarch when
the monarch refers to himself as ruler and source of authority. Plural of majesty. [Ges,Sec. 124g]
"our image after our likeness" Fig. hendiadys two for one - two words used for
one thing meant. God was going to make man in His own (1) image and (2)
likeness, which is Spirit. Compare John 4:24.

“image” Heb. tselem “likeness” Heb. dmuth Together only here and 5:1

Genesis 1:27 The usage of "them" is Fig. prolepsis , to know before it happens that it will
happen and speaking of future things as present realities.
"created" Third occurrence in Genesis.

Genesis 1:29 

“the face of all the earth” 11 occ. Here, 7:3, 8:9, 11:4,8,9  Deu 11:25  1Sa 30:16  2Sa 18:8 Dan 8:5 Zech 5:3.

Genesis 1:30 "life" Every beast has a living soul.

Genesis 2:1 The "first" heaven is Gen. 1:1. The heavens and earth which are now, the second heavens and earth,
begin with Genesis 1:3, and their formation is completed when Gen 2:1 says,
"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished." The third heaven is future. See 2Cor 12:2 and 2 Peter 3:7.

Genesis 2:2 "God rested" Heb. elohim kalah. Only here.
The verb kalah with "Lord" only in Lam 4:11: "The LORD hath accomplished his fury".
Compare the spirit "rested" in Numbers 11:25,26 2 Kings 2:15 Isaiah 11:2.

Genesis 2:4 The next twenty-three verses, from Genesis 2:4 to 25, simply give
the details and amplifications of chapter 1. Genesis 2:9-14 could
chronologically be inserted between verses 12 and 13 of chapter 1.
See KD, v.1, 42.
“Lord God” Heb. yhwh elohim First of 40 occ. 20 in Genesis.

Genesis 2:7 "formed" Heb. yatsar To form out of something already in existence

"man" Heb. adam=red earth. Compare Gen 3:19; Ecc 3:20
"breathed into his nostrils" Fig. anthropopatheia God portrayed as breathing.
"soul" Heb. nephesh The manifestation of all soul life is breathing.

Appendix 13, CB, lists the following usages of Heb. nephesh meaning a dead person: Lev 19:28 21:1,11 22:4 Num 5:2 6:6,11 9:6,7,10 19:11,13 Hag 2:13.
Of these the occurrences of "dead soul", a phrase with Heb. nephesh meth are: Lev
21:11 Num 6:6 19:11 19:13.

Genesis 2:8 No covenant here as no shedding of blood.

Genesis 2:18 "help meet " First of 21 occ., most of which refer to God as man's help. But this first usage indicates
the primary purpose of marriage is companionship.
“the Lord God said” Heb. yomer yhwh elohim Here, 3:13,14; 3:22. Four things He said:
“not good that man be alone” 2:18
to the woman: “What this thou hast done?” 3:13
to the serpent: “cursed above all ...” 3:14
“Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil” 3:22
In chapter 2, one utterance by God, here, and one by Adam, verse 23.

“this” Only place in OT to occur three times in one verse. "This" occurs five times in three verses: John 18:36 - 38 seven times in three verses: 1 Cor. 11:24-27 three times in two verses 2 John 6,7

Genesis 2:23 "and Adam said" Heb. vayomer hadam And so the first marriage was proclaimed with a declaration. So, today with an oath. And the oath is the difference between a union to become “one flesh” and “fornication”.
This phrase only here and Gen 3:12 the only two recorded utterances by Adam.

Genesis 2:24 "one flesh" Only occ. in OT. Matthew 19:5 first of five occ. in NT, all but one of which refer to marriage.

Genesis 3:1 Utterances in chapter 3: 2 by the “serpent”, 2 by Eve , 2 by Adam
yhvh elohim “called” 3:9, spoke: 3:11 3:13 3:14 3:16 3:17 3:22.
Adam “called” 3:20

Genesis 3:7 "eyes of them both were opened" Other OT occurrences of "eyes opened" are Gen 21:19, Hagar; Num 22:31, Balaam; 2Ki 6:17, Elisha's servant;
all of these were revelation. Also, 2Ki 6:20, the host of Syria, which was a
miracle, after first being blinded. The first healing of blind persons in the
NT are in Mat 11:5 and Luk 7:21. The record in John 9 is the first record of
the opening of the eyes of a man born blind.

Genesis 3:8 "presence of the Lord" Heb. pnai yhwh First of 276 occurrences.

Genesis 3:15 "her seed"=Christ. Ref. Gal 3:16. “bruise” Heb. shuph Here, Job 9:17 Psa 139:11

Genesis 3:21 "coats of skins" Shedding of blood implied, but not stated, nor a "covenant".
“Lord God made” Heb. ya’as yhwh elohim Only here. But ya’as yhwh “Lord made” 12 times:
Gen 21:1 Exo 8:13,24,31 9:6 Ruth 1:8 1Sa 19:5 28:17 2Sam 2:6 23:10,12 Jer 40;3.

Genesis 3:22 "LORD God said" Heb. vyomer yhvh elohim Last occ. of this phrase in OT. See 15:2.

Genesis 4:5 "unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect" Compare 1 John 3:12.

Genesis 4:14 "from thy face shall I be hid " First occurrence.

Genesis 4:26 "Enos"=frail. "then began men to call upon the name of the Lord" -
In Enos' day the profanation of the name of Jehovah took root.

Genesis 5:4 "sons and daughters" - Adam's progeny married their own brothers and
sisters. In our day the bloodlines have become so contaminated that intra-
family marriage is forbidden by law as too many undesirable characteristics
come out with close in-breeding. Because of purer blood,
people lived longer in the early Biblical records.

Genesis 6:1 "when men began to multiply [in wickedness]" The sons of
God, the believers, came out of the Seth line, the righteous ones. The daughters of men,
the unbelievers, came out of the line of Cain, the unrighteous.

Genesis 6:4 "sons of God"=faithful of God "daughters of men"=unbelievers.
Reference is not specifically to male or female. "Sons of God" does not refer
to angels; otherwise, Gen 1 would be violated in that all things would not be
after their kind.
Heb. nephilim = giants or champions of wickedness. Hebrew root means "to fall";
they were fallen ones. Aram. gbra Intensive form of gbra meaning "very mighty" or "champions."

Heb. molam "of old"
Occurs here and :

Jos 24:2
1Sa 27:8
1Ch 29:10
Psa 25:6 90:2 93:2 103:17 119:52
Pro 8:23
Isa 42:14 46:9,63:16,63:19,64:4
Jer 2:20 5:15
Eze 26:20

Genesis 6:10-9:19

A structure noted in this section of Genesis is:

 A Noah (6:10) 
   B Shem, Ham and Japheth (10b) 
     C Ark to be built (14-16) 
       D Flood announced (17) 
         E Covenant with Noah (18-20) 
           F Food in the ark (21) 
             G Command to enter ark (7:1-3) 
               H 7 days waiting for flood (4-5) 
                 I 7 days waiting for flood (7-10) 
                   J Entry to ark (11-15) 
                     K God shuts Noah in (16) 
                       L 40 days flood (17a) 
                         M Waters increase (17b-18) 
                           N Mountains covered (19-20) 
                             O 150 days waters prevail (21-24) 
                               P GOD REMEMBERS NOAH (8:1) 
                             O' 150 waters abate (3) 
                           N' Mountain tops visible (4-5) 
                         M' Waters abate (5) 
                       L' 40 days (end of ) (6a) 
                     K' Noah opens window of ark (6b) 
                   J' Raven and dove leave ark (7-9) 
                 I' 7 days waiting for waters to subside (10-11) 
               H' 7 days waiting for waters to subside (12-13) 
             G' Command to leave ark (15-17) 
           F' Food outside ark (9:1-4) 
         E' Covenant with all flesh (8-10) 
       D' No flood in future (11-17) 
     C' Ark (18a) 
   B' Shem, Ham and Japheth (18a) 
 A' Noah (19) 

VT,Vol XXVIII,No.3,July 1978,
G.J. Wenham, "The coherence of the flood narrative",p. 338.

Genesis 6:17 "under heaven" First of 13 occ.: Exo 17:14; Deu 7:24, 9:14, 25:19;
29:20; 2Ki 14:27; Ecc 1:13; Luk 17:24 (2X); Act 2:5, 4:12; Col 1:23. In
Pentateuch, always of utter destruction: once, of the whole world, twice of
Amalek, once of the kings of Canaan, once of Israel as a nation, once of an
unbelieving Israelite. Once in Kings that God would not blot out Israel; once
in Ecclesiastes of things done "under heaven" instead of the usual phrase
"under the sun." Twice in Luke of lightning likened to Christ's return, twice
in Acts, and once in Colossians - all of salvation made available to all by the

Genesis 6:18 "covenant" First occurrence of 284 in OT.

Genesis 7:19 "under the whole heaven" This phrase occcurs in KJV in Deu 2:25,
4:19; Job 28:24; 37:3, 41:11; Dan 7:27, 9:12.

Genesis 8:4 "mountains of Ararat" Strong-"of foreign origin" Occurs also
2Ki 19:37 "land of Armenia"; Isa 37:38 "land of Armenia"; Jer 51:27
"kingdom of Ararat" Young's:"creation,holy land" BDB:Assyrian Urartu
"a district in Eastern Armenia between the river Araxes and lakes Van &
Oroomish (quoting Peshitta): i.e., Kurdistan, specif. Gebel Gudi, a
striking mountain SW of Lake Van, commanding a wide view over the Mesopatamian
plain - so the Koran ICC

Genesis 8:15 "and God said" Heb. vayedabar elohim First of three occurrences. Exodus 6:2, Exodus 20:1.
Also without "and" in Deuteronomy 5:24.

Genesis 8:21 "smelled a sweet savour" Heb. "smelled a smell" Fig. polyptoton Only here and 27:27.

Genesis 9:11 "destroy the earth" Here and Rev. 11:18.

Genesis 9:16 "everlasting covenant" Heb. berith ‘olam 16 OT occ.; 1 in NT:
Genesis 9:16 17:7 17:13 17:19 Leviticus 24:8
2 Samuel 23:5 1 Chronicles 16:17 Psalms 105:10 Isaiah 24:5 55:3
Isaiah 61:8 Jeremiah 32:40 50:5 Ezekiel 16:60 37:26 Hebrews 13:20

Genesis 9:26 "Blessed be the Lord God" Heb. baruk yhvh elohi First of 13 occurrences.

Here, 24:27, 1Sa 25:32, 2Sa 18:28, 1Ki 1:48, 8:15, 1Ch 16:36, 2Ch 2:12, 6:4, Ezr 7:27 Psa 41:13, 72:18, 106:48.
14th occurrence is Luke 1:68: “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel”. Compare 1Sa 25:32.

Genesis 10 Greeks=Japetos, Iapetos (Aristophanes' "The Clouds"); Indian Aryans=
Iyapeti, with Sharme and C'harma,("Noah"=Satyaurata); Gomer=northof Black Sea,
Crimea, area of Cappadocia, Gaul, Galicia, Celts; Ashkenaz=north of fertile
crescent, migrated as far north as Scandanavia, Saxons; Riphath=obscure;
Togarmah=Armenia? Germans? Phrygians?; Magog=obscure, but likely Russia - same as Gog; Madai=Medes; javan=Ionians; Elishah=several identifications: "Hellas", Aeolians, Eze 27:7,which would be Greece; Tarshish=obscure,Spain?; Kittim=Cyprus; Dodanim=obscure,Rhodes?; Meshech/Tubal=south shore of Black Sea; Tiras=Thrace, then to Europe?
Noah's Three Sons Arthur C. Custance, Zondervan.

Genesis 12:3 Israel's blessings, as well as the blessings on the Gentiles through Israel, and the
coming and the works of the Messiah, were no secrets. Not the secret of Ephesians 3.

Genesis 13:13 "sinners before the Lord exceedingly" Only here.

Genesis 14:1 "came to pass in the days of" Always marks a time of trouble ending
in blessing. Occurs Rut 1:1 2Sa 21:1 Est 1:1 Isa 7:1 Jer 1:3 [CB]

Genesis 14:4 "thirteenth" First occ. Here associated with rebellion.

Genesis 14:19 "possessor of heaven and earth" Occurs only here and 14:22.
Compare "heaven and earth" only in Eph. 3:15 in Epistles.

Genesis 14:20 Compare Gal 3:6 and Heb 6:10.

Genesis 15:2 “Lord God” Expression with vyomer yhvh elohim last occurs in 3:22.
The phrase translated as “Lord God” beginning at this verse is adonai yhvh. First of 289 occ., especially concentrated in Isaiah, Ezekiel.

Genesis 15:6 In contrast to us in the Age of Grace, Abraham was not cleansed.
His sins were only covered. The cleansing was not available until Jesus
Christ. By their believing God, God counted or reckoned unto them

Genesis 15:16 "the iniquity ... is not yet full" Only here in OT. Compare
participle form in Jer 32:18. [TCS] Compare NT John 7:8 "not yet full come".

Genesis 15:18 "great river" First of six occurrences. Deu 1:7, Joshua 1:4, Daniel 10:4, Rev. 9:14, 16:12. All but Daniel, the Euphrates.

Genesis 17:1 "Almighty God" Heb. el shaddai First occurrence. First of 10 occurrences. Also in Gen 28:3 35:11 43:14 48:3 Exo 6:3 Job 8:5 13:3 15:25 Eze 10:5.
The NT equivalent, Gr. pantokrator also has 10 occurrences, in 2Cor 6:18 Rev 1:8 4:8 11:17 15:3 16:7,14 19:6,15 21:22.

Genesis 17:5 Heb. Abram "father of height" Heb. Abraham "father of a great
multitude" or "father of many nations." Compare Jam 2:23 and Isa
41:8. "Almighty God" indicates that He is a God Who is an all-powerful God
with every resource for every believer.

Genesis 17:7 "thy seed after thee" - from Isaac to Christ.

Genesis 18:18 See Gen 12:3.

Genesis 22:1 "tempt" Heb. bachan=prove. Compare Jam 1:13.

Genesis 22:2 "burnt offering" Aram. alta "offering" is the word occurring
throughout this record. The word for burning Aram. yaqda does not occur in this
passage. Every sacrifice is an offering, but not every offering is a
sacrifice. East. In Eastern custom a burnt offering does not mean
sacrifice by fire. A burnt offering was a total, unreserved commitment of self
to God. Compare Judges 11 of Jephthah giving his daughter as a "burnt offering".

Genesis 22:12 It was not God's will to literally burn and kill the young man.
Yet, even though Abaraham went beyond God's request and was wrong in so doing, he proved his utter willingness to relinquish his son.
"fearest"=have awe, reverence for

Genesis 22:14 Redemptive name of God. 10 names of God in relation to His creation. 7 of these are redemptive names. The extra 3 are
"who sanctifies", "of hosts", "Most High." Redemption= to be bought with a
price; released on receipt of a ransom. Cp. Jhn 10:11.

Genesis 22:18 See Gen 12:3.

Genesis 23:16 East. Only paupers and beggars are buried in free land; so Abraham paid. [Pillai #729]

Genesis 24:27 “his mercy and his truth” Heb. “mercy” chesed “truth” emeth. First of 28 occurrences of these words together.

Gen 24:49 32:10 47:29
Exo 34:6
Josh 2:14
2Sam 2:6 15:20
Psa 25:10 40:10 40:11 57:3 57:10
61:7 69:13 85:10 86:15 89:14
108:4 115:1 117:2 138:2
Pro 3:3 14:22 16:6 20:28
Hos 4:1
Mic 7:20
Zec 7:9

No occurrences in the New Testament. See John 1:14, “grace and truth”.

Genesis 24:65 "she took a vail, and covered herself" East. Rebekah had been
travelling with women in the caravan, until now, but now she is about to meet
her husband. [Pillai #734]

Genesis 25:6 "Abraham gave gifts" Heb. natan Fig. polyptoton First occ. See Num 18:6.

Genesis 25:12 "son of Abraham" Heb. ben abraham Here, Ishmael, verse 19 Isaac, 28:9 Ishmael. In NT, Matt. 1:1 genealogy of Jesus Christ, Luk 3:34 (“son” supplied by ellipsis) genealogy of Jesus Christ, Acts 13:26 Jews “children of the stock of Abraham” Gr. uioi genous abraam, Gal 3:7 they which are of faith “children of Abraham”, Gal 4:22 two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, James 2:21 Isaac.

Genesis 25:30 "same red pottage" Heb. "red, red" hadam hadam. Only here.

Genesis 27:20 "the Lord thy God" Heb. yehvah eloheyka First occurrence. The next two are Exodus 15:26, 20:2. Number of occurrences throughout Old Testament are:
Genesis 1
Exodus 8
Deuteronomy 212
Joshua 4
1 Samuel 3
2 Samuel 4
1 Kings 6
2 Kings 2
1 Chronicles 3
2 Chronicles 2
Psalms 1
Isaiah 9
Jeremiah 6
Hosea 3
Amos 1
Micah 1
Zephaniah 1


Genesis 28:3 "multitude"=assembly. Heb. qahal First usage. Israel was a people called out from among others and assembled together apart from others.

Genesis 28:4 "blessing of Abraham" Only here.

Genesis 28:14 See Gen 12:3.

Genesis 32:14 Properties of the number 220:Science Digest, May 1985, "Mathematics in the Bible",, Dr. Crypton Column. 220 is the first of the "friendly" numbers. 220 is friendly with 284 in that the sum of the proper divisors of both numbers are equal.

Genesis 33:17

"face of God" Hebrews. pnai elohim Only here and Psa. 42.2

"house" Heb. bayith First occ. "booth" Heb. sukoth First occ.

Genesis 35:10 "Jacob" means "supplanter." "Israel" means "prince of God."

Genesis 35:18 "departing"=ebbing away, failing.

Genesis 37:3 "coat of many colours" a garment given only to the man chosen as the heir.
The ultimate purpose of Egypt's prosperity was for God to keep His promise to
Abraham - to raise up a great nation from Abraham's offspring, the children of
Joseph was first born of Rachel, Jacob's real love. Therefore, the coat
indicated he was to be accounted first-born instead of Reuben. The coat was
white with wide, long sleeves, indicating he was to be the heir. [Pillai #725]

Genesis 38:17 "pledge" Heb. ‘arabon Only here and verses 18,20. LXX arrabon Only in the same three verses, and three times in the NT: 2Cor 1:22 2Cor 5:5 Eph 1:14.

Genesis 41:32 "shortly"=immediately.
When revelation is doubled, it will never change and will occur soon. See
other examples in Deu 17:6, 19:15; Mat 18:16; Jhn 8:17; Act 10:9-18; 2Co 13:1.

Genesis 41:42 "ring"=signet ring, with the seal of Pharoah. "gold chain"=honor.

Genesis 41:45 Heliopolis, the On of the Bible, was considered the greatest
university in the world. It had existed since much earlier times under the
domination of the priests, of whom were said to be 13,000 in the time of
Rameses III, 1225 B.C. More than 200 years earlier, Moses was instructed at
Heliopolis "in all the wisdom of the Egyptians," which included physics,
arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, medicine, chemistry, geology, meteorology,
and music. (ft) Alexander the Great destroyed Heliopolis to establish
Alexandria. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Tompkins; Colophon,Harper &
Row 1971, p.214
"Zaphnathpaaneah"=revealer of secrets.

Genesis 41:54 "Ephraim" Joseph's two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, each headed a tribe. This was indeed a great honor, a double-portion blessing because of
their father.

Genesis 48:22 "above thy brethren" Only here in KJV. Compare Deu 17:20.

Genesis 49:6 "be ... thou united" Heb. yachad Only here, Psa 86:11 Isa 14:20.

Genesis 49:9 "lion's whelp" occurs only here Deu 33:22 and Nahum 2:11. Judah and Dan are called this.

Genesis 49:10 The statement of Genesis 49:10 may seem at first sight to clash With this: "The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a law-giver from between his feet, until Shiloh come." But, as events prove, this cannot mean that royal power was to be exercised by the house of Judah until the advent of Christ. Hengstenberg has rightly interpreted it (Christology, Arnold's trans., Ch. 78): "Judah shall not cease to exist as a tribe, nor lose its superiority, until it shall be exalted to higher honor and glory through the great Redeemer, who shall spring from it, and whom not only the Jews, but all the nations of the earth shall obey." As he points out, "until not unfrequently means up to and afterwards." (See ex. gr. Genesis 28:15.) The meaning of the prophecy, therefore, was not that Judah was to exercise royal power until Christ, and then lose it, which is the lame and unsatisfactory gloss usually adopted; but that the pre-eminence of Judah is to be irrevocably established in Christ – not spiritually, but in fact, in the kingdom of which Daniel prophesies.
The Coming Prince Anderson  

Genesis 49:14 "strong ass" An ass lying by sheepfold waits for used hay to be
thrown out and eats this. Idiom for laziness. [Pillai #763]

Genesis 49:17 "serpent by the way" Indicative of treachery. [Pillai #770]

Genesis 49:25 "Almighty" Aramaic reads "Almighty God." "Almighty God" denotes
bountifulness and blessing.