2 Peter


2 Peter 1:3
"divine" Gr. theias Also Act 17:29.
"that pertain unto" Gr. ta pros (acc.) "with a view to, as ultimate purpose"
"that hath called us to" Gr. idia “his own” by most texts. The other six occurrences of idia in
2 Peter are: 1:20 2:16 2:22 3:3 3:16,17

Other "called" in the NT:
unto fellowship eis 1Cor 1:9
to peace en 1Cor 7:15
into grace en Gal 1:6
through his grace dia Gal 1:15 (however, omit this clause p46 6 1739 1881)
to liberty epi Gal 5:13
to which[peace] eis Col 3:15
unto his kingdom and glory eis 1Th 2:12
eternal life eis 1Ti 1:9
unto holiness en 1Ti 6:12
unto his eternal glory eis 1Pet 5:10
into marvellous light eis 1Pet 2:9

"virtue" Gr. arete Here, 1:5, Phil. 4:8; 1 Pet 2:9. In Phil. 4:8, arete summarizes list of qualities there.

2 Peter 1:6


2 Peter 1:10

"give diligence" Gr. spoudazo Christians should exert every effort necessary to make
their calling and election sure. Effort rather than speed is the prime

2 Peter 1:20

"knowing this first" Only here and 3:3.

2 Peter 2:5

"old world" Only here. Compare 3:6.

2 Peter 2:21

"way of righteousness" Only here and Matt. 21:32 in NT. See Pro 8:20.

2 Peter 3:3

"knowing this first" Only here and 1:20.

2 Peter 3:4

“beginning of the creation” Gr. ap arches ktiseos Only here and Mark 13:19.


2 Peter 3:5

Reference to disaster between Gen 1:1-2.

2 Peter 3:6

"world that then was" Only here. Compare 2:5.
The first heaven and earth of Genesis 1:1. Not the flood of Noah's
time. "Perished" is the destruction of Genesis 1:2.


2 Peter 3:7

"The heavens and the earth which are now" is the second heaven and
earth, the substance which God put in order after the first creation became
"without form and void."

2 Peter 3:12

"day of God" Only occurrence.


2 Peter 3:13

Reference to third heaven and earth. Rev 21:1